Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Hello- As you can read from my profile, my name is Jessica. I am an aspiring videographer. Upon graduating from St. Bonaventure University I decided that I wanted to seriously film musicians, primarily those who rock. There are many people out there who want to do the same, and from what I have experienced I can understand why. Honestly, many of the kindest people I know are those I have met on the road. The reputation of music really rings true, in the sense, that those who follow music are kind hearted souls. Anyways, the reason for beginning this stream of posts, really, is to share my stories. People close to me are always saying I should post my tales so they can follow my travels. So following in the steps of my great pal Matthew "Light Sully, Navillus" Sullivan and Pete Townshend (who made me realize blogging was brilliant) I will share with you the experiences I have while galavanting around the United States filming or seeing music. Unfortunatly, I have started this a little late, so I will quickly update those who are interested on all trips post graduation, May 2006.

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